Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tarantulas, Skinks and Lizards

No, these are not the viewing choices at the Creepy Crawlies exhibit at the zoo. These are the creatures that Alex has requested for his birthday on Saturday.

He captured a 5 Striped Skink in the yard last evening. An ugly little creature, that is for sure. Alex thinks he is the bomb-diggity, and has proudly displayed him on his dresser, in the dead fish's aquarium. He thoughtfully placed a large, flat rock in the aquarium, along with a ton of leaves. I get home today to find that he has added a (cereal) bowl of water and several ants. Yeah me. Looks like I've got a new critter to keep up with.

On to the Tarantula. He has been asking for a tarantula for close to 2 months. I have done my research and have decided that I think I might could live with one, providing that it stays in the cage at all times. And I MEAN AT ALL TIMES. It does not come out of it's aquarium. It gets out, I leave and move to Fiji. No questions asked and no second chances. Alex has finally picked one out, a rose hair tarantula.

I love the boy, but if that spider or lizard escapes, I'm outta here!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gal-Lop-E-Gus Snail?

Saturday night quickie conversation with Alex:

Door opens. Alex pokes his head into the living room. "Hey Mama! Is there any such thing as a Gal-Lop-E-Gus Snail?"

"A what?"

"A Gal-Lop-E-Gus Snail?"

"Son, I have never heard of a Gal-Lop-E-Gus Snail. What do you have?"

And there, clinging to his arm was......


Gross! Where does this child find all of these creepy crawlies? I can handle the frogs and lizards, but please leave the slugs outside!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday - Sadie

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here is my first Not Me Monday post!

I did not bring home a new puppy this week. I did not tell my husband that I rescued her from the side of the interstate from certain death. I did not already have 2 full grown boxers at home. I did not show said puppy to the six year old first to ensure that we kept her. Nope, that definately was not me!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Congrats Cardinals

The Landrum High School Lady Cardinals defeated the defending 2008 State Champions, the Chesterfield Lady Golden Rams. It was a great defensive game by both teams, but the Lady Cardinals came out on top. The final score after 2 Lightning and Rain delays was 3 - 1.

Congratulations Lady Cardinals!!!