This is Chloe (above).
This is Sadie (above).
All three dogs now live together in a rather huge dog lot in the corner of our back yard. They have ample room to run and play, and a huge dog house that Tommy and his dad built for them. There is enough room in it for all 3 dogs to stretch out and sleep comfy with each other.
When we got home from grabbing dinner at Firehouse Subs, Skylar and I went to feed the dogs. One person can not do this task easily when by themselves, as Sadie is the ring leader for their favorite game of "Let's-Knock-Mama-Down-To-Lick-Her-To-Death-And-Make-A-Break-For-The-Gate". Sadie is the sneaky one that can dart thru your legs while Chloe and Tyson are trying to run through you. It's a good idea to have one person inside the fence with the dogs while the other person fills the bowls and passes them back to you.
Tonight, I was inside the fence as usual. Skylar had already given the full bowls back to me and I had passed them out. All three dogs were excited about Skylar's presence, as she rarely graces them with her presence during the week (Band practice, basketball practice, homework, etc...) Skylar has the less than brilliant idea to come inside the fence with me.
I don't know what she was thinking. There was no way that we could both get out of the fence without a prison break. Jokingly, I told her climb the fence and jump from the roof of the feed building. The goofball actually climbed the fence while I snuck out the gate without any escapees. Then, she preceded to get stuck on top of the roof because she was scared to jump down. I went to the tractor shed and got a ladder, but she would not climb down because the feed building has a pitched roof and the ladder did not sit flush against it.
Skylar called Tommy to come out in the back yard to help her off of the roof. I just wish that I had had a video camera out there with me. I just hope that none of the dogs try to climb the fence because they watched her climb out.