Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pass the Prozac, please

Sunday, Tommy and Skylar drove over to the grocery store to purchase a few last minute items for dinner. Car was fine on the drive over. However, it was a completely different story on the way home. My car would not start. It would turn over, but would not fire. Great. Lovely. What an awesome way to start the week!

So, on Monday, Tommy calls the tow truck and has them take it to the garage. For $60 it was towed less than 2 miles! What? Did I hear correctly? $60 for less than 2 miles? Oh, mylanta, this is going to get ugly fast!

Garage guys are clueless! They claim that the computer system in my car is a California Emissions computer and will not "talk" to their computer. May I suggest to change the language setting to possibly surfer? Or Valley? Or maybe Left-Wing Liberal idiot speak? Garage guys finally decide that they think that the computer is not telling the fuel injection system to put the gas into the carbureator to start the car. Really? You think?

So, the Garage Guys remove the computer system from my car and take it to an automotive electrical shop to be checked. My obviously snotty compter will not talk to their computer either. Guess my CA computer doesn't go for Carolina Redneck Mechanic types. So, end of day 1, no hope on the horizon for my car. Except for the Garage Guys to "try" to find another CA Emissions Computer wandering around east of the Mississippi River, I'm sure that they would surely not overcharge me for that? Visions of cancelling our first family vacation in the Metropolis of Helen,GA began to dance around my head. Not. Pretty.

What's a girl to do? Check the 'net. See if the Garage Guys know what the crap they are talking about. And do they? Why, no, they sure don't! In under 45 minutes, I had the problem narrowed down, had talked to other owners of similar cars with the EXACT SAME PROBLEM and had found the solution, with Wiring Diagrams and step by step instructions. Surely, the monkey boys could follow directions with the pretty pictures?

I sent my FIL and Tommy to the garage this morning, armed with the information that I had found on the 'net. Guess what? I was RIGHT! I fixed my car! ME, who has not the first clue about what goes on under the hood of the car! Where the heck is my GOLD Star?

So, while Big Red was in the shop with the Garage Guys, I was cruising to work in my mom's new Saturn. Cool little car. Great gas mileage. Moonroof. A/C. Spoiler. Cute car. I looked good in it!

After Tommy had told me that he had my car in his possession, I felt soooo much better. Plus, it only cost a total of $75 to replace the spark plugs and their boots. Great day, so far. Unfortunately, it would only go downhill from there. I drove a friend to lunch at Ingle's salad bar. Mom's Silver bullet was awesome. No problem what so ever.

Then comes quitting time. Literally. When I got in the Silver bullet to go home, the blasted thing would not start! No clicking, no turning over. Nothing.

I had to call Tommy to come and jump it off because the parking lot at work was absolutely deserted. So, back to the Garage Guys. They seem to think that the battery in my mom's car is bad. So, the final question is.....Do I trust these Garage Guys when they had an epic failure with my car?

We'll see....My mom has to deal with them tomorrow. Good luck with that Garage Guys! I wish you luck....Let me know how that turns out for you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh - WEndy, you just have the worst luck with cars....
    Enjoy your vacation to Helen - I love it there!!!
