Before we got on I-85 to head to Helen, we had to make a pit stop at the Spinx station in Greer. Tommy, Kathy and Alex headed inside for drinks and snacks while Skylar, Ashley and I remained in the van. A car pulled into a parking spot on our right. The male occupant exited the car quite loudly. The female driver rolled her window down to yell at him. Their conversation went something like this...
Male "I want a G.D. drink. It's my f-ing money."
Female "You need to stop spending all your money on beer and ciggarettes. You spend it all and then complain that you are broke. I'm tired of hearing about it."
Male "Shut the H. up. I keeps my cigarrettes in the freezer so they last longer. I ain't bought no smokes in 2 weeks. I gets my check every week from the 'ployment commission and it's mine. Not yours."
Female "You gonna know whats yours when I leave your a@# here."
And, then she proceeded to drive away. I sure hope he got home.
After we got into Helen, we stopped in downtown to walk around and grab some lunch. We took some photos of the kids by the fountain in the town square. It was then that we encountered the Crack Ho. She approached me and asked if I would take her picture with Leroy/Jim Bob/Bobby Joe whoever. She had her own digital camera, so I said that I would. They posed the best that they could, and I snapped the picture. I gave the camera back to her and told her that she could zoom in on the picture when she uploaded it onto her computer. She just gave me a strange look.
Off we went to the Live Tarantulas Gallery so that Alex could hold one of the creepy crawlies. Then we went to the Heaven Bound Tattoo Studio with the hopes that Skylar could get her belly button pierced. However, in White County, GA, it is considered "Literal penetration of a minor" for anyone under the age of 18 to receive a body piercing in that county. So, I got a tattoo instead.
As I was being inked, guess who shows up at the tattoo studio? Yep, the Crack Ho. She came in and asked the guy behind the counter if anyone had turned in her digital camera? What the hell? She tells the guy that someone stole it from her when she had her picture taken with Leroy/Jim Bob/Bobby Joe. Excuse me?? Apparently, she did not recognize Tommy or the kids. Tommy quickly told her that I was the one who took her picture and gave her back the camera. She just says She did? Oh, ok. If anyone finds it and turns it in, will you hold it for me? She turns and walks out. Guess what?? The freaking camera was in her back pocket. Guess she needed a little more crack to remember where it was.
Here are some of our pictures from the trip...
Happy Saturday Sharefest to you! Please visit me at Sweeter LIVING
ReplyDeleteOh man, people are dumb!
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